The Art: LegCrocus Tattoo Studio2017-10-05T00:36:44+00:00 Traditional owl on Brenda. Thigh. 2013 Stylized magnolia blossom. Outside calf. 2014 Tribal (Celtic & Nordic influences) Dragon. 2015 Haida wolf on Shane. Outside calf. 2012 Healed owl tattoo. Outside leg. 2016 Wooden bike chain and sprocket on Kim. Outside calf. 2011 Suitcase for a frequent flyer on outside calf. 2010 Healed lettering. Outside leg. 2013 Scripty design. Foot (leg). 2016 Bunny tattoo and drawing. Outside leg. 2011 Hannya mask on Gabe. Outside calf. 2014 MORE FROM THE CROCUS COLLECTIONCrocus Tattoo Studio2017-10-01T00:08:49+00:00 The Art: Drawings The Art: DrawingsCrocus Tattoo Studio2017-10-01T00:08:57+00:00 The Art: Shoulder The Art: ShoulderCrocus Tattoo Studio2017-10-01T00:09:07+00:00 The Art: Back The Art: BackCrocus Tattoo Studio2017-10-05T00:36:44+00:00 The Art: Leg The Art: LegCrocus Tattoo Studio2017-10-01T00:09:21+00:00 The Art: Torso The Art: TorsoCrocus Tattoo Studio2017-10-01T00:09:26+00:00 The Art: Arm The Art: Arm